Tuesday, October 11, 2011

The "True" Women Manifesto

I've been finding some real gems around campus lately, in the form of church pamphlets. I hate religion just as much as the next atheist, but if there is anything I hate more, it's religion's way of enforcing patriarchy upon its female followers.

See, to me, I feel like feminism and freethinking go hand in hand. You can't just pick and choose what is literally interpreted from the bible and what is supposed to be an analogy for something else- it's impossible, and I think that is well evidenced by the many facets of Christianity that exist and preach today.  Here's a few winning passages from the True Women Manifesto, written by those at the Revive Our Hearts ministry.

  • "We are called as women to affirm and encourage men as they seek to express godly masculinity, and to honor and support God-ordained male leadership in the home and in the church.”
  • "Men and women are created by God and are equal in value and dignity, but they have distinct roles and functions in the church."
  • "Seek to glorify God by cultivating such virtues as purity, modesty, submission, meekness, and love."
  • "all women are to model femininity in their various relationships, by exhibiting a distinctive modesty, responsiveness, and gentleness of spirit."

Oh, just shut up already.

1 comment:

  1. I have a friend who is starting to get back into her religion, and she was really excited about a series of sermons that her pastor gave that said something to the effect of "you need to make sure your man feels like a man" and "your job is to support him, no matter what" and I was just...flabbergasted. I never expected that kind of thing from this friend, but there it was.
