Monday, October 3, 2011

In which I enter the world of "grown up bloggins'."

So I've kept up a regular tumblr for the past 3 or 4 years with a lot of success- lots of followers and lots of friends made over the years, however, so much of what tumblr is depends on what other people post or think. It's based around a dialogue, which I appreciate and find tons of appeal in, but I think the pressure to come up with original content could be beneficial in me fine tuning some of my viewpoints.

So, here I am.

My name is Lauren Elizabeth. I'm on the cusp of my second decade, and midway into my third semester of college at the University of Mary Washington. I'm a self-professed bitch (in the most wonderful sense of the word) and have a difficult time keeping my mouth closed over those issue that I hold most dear. I'm on the executive board for Feminists United on Campus at UMW. My main focuses in the feminist community are on body positivism and victim blaming/slut shaming/rape culture. I'm a staunch atheist, but keep it under wraps in mixed company. I've recently declared sociology as my major after mulling it over for far too long, and I'm really excited to get the ball rolling on my classes.

This has been a really boring post, and I promise I'm usually more inflammatory.


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